What is the Single Leg MLM Plan ?

Single Leg Compensation plan also known as Monoline MLM or Linear MLM Plan is a straight line MLM Plan which consists of only one leg for each distributor. Single leg MLM plan is the one of the most attractive compensation plan in the network marketing industry. It is the easiest plan to explain to new distributors. This MLM plan has become a new trend in recent years.

How does the Single Leg MLM Plan Works ?

    Advantages of Single Leg MLM Plan

  • Single Leg plan has an array of advantages and is immensely popular in India and other Asian countries.

  • Simple: One important thing with this MLM Single Leg Plan is its simplicity; so that the MLM distributor or company can explain Single Leg Plan easily to their new comers who are willing to join MLM business.

  • Universal Plan : A plan suitable for all types of network marketing business models.

  • Do Work and Get Rewards : Its best suitable if you want to pay rewards based on Team Building

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