What is the Unilevel MLM Plan ?

Unilevel MLM Plan is an unlimited width plan. The main feature of this Unilevel Plan is that there is no limitation on the number of people you can sponsor on your front line. In this plan, all the distributors sponsored by a member will be on his/her frontline, hence there is no spillover and the efforts made by a distributor on recruitment are directly beneficial to

How does the Unilevel MLM Plan Works ?

Unilevel Compensation Structure

Advantages of unilevel plan

  • Simple:
    One important thing with this MLM Unilevel Plan is its simplicity; so that the MLM networker or company can explain the Unilevel Plan easily to their new comers who are willing to join MLM business.
  • Universal Plan :
    A plan suitable for all types of network marketing business models.

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